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FA Communications Software


FA Communications Software Lets You Create Applications with Flexible, High-speed, and Direct Data Link Access to PLCs from Personal Computers.

FA Communications Software Lets You Create Applications with Flexible, High-speed, and Direct Data Link Access to PLCs from Personal Computers.

The need for faster transmission of more and more information between personal computers and PLCs is coupled with the need for frequent changes to specifications, such as address allocations in PLCs, a demand for software standardization to eliminate dependence on specific applications and networks, and a demand for cost reductions.

OMRON provides the functions to solve these problems. Data links are now possible using Ethernet. Data links can even be accessed via a LAN port on a notebook computer. And FA Communications Software can be used to access PLC data by using only tag names to enable more flexible and higher-speed access of PLC data from personal computers, and that lowers costs by eliminating the need for a special board for data links.

Windows 10 (32bit / 64bit version*) / Visual Studio 2019 (32bit/64bit version*) supported

WS02-SGWC1 / CPLC1 特長 3

* This software runs on WOW64 (Windows-On-Windows 64). Refer to the sample program included with the product to run applications as 64-bit processes.

Product Positioning


CX-Compolet software enables easily reading and writing PLC data using Visual Basic and C#. It is the successor to SYSMAC Compolet.

SYSMAC Gateway

SYSMAC Gateway can be used as the communications driver on most networks. It is the successor to FinsGateway and has inherited all FinsGateway functionality.

Sysmac is a trademark or registered trademark of OMRON Corporation in Japan and other countries for OMRON factory automation products.
Microsoft, Visual Basic, Visual Studio, ActiveX and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Microsoft product screen shots reprinted with permission from Microsoft Corporation.
iPhone and iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc.
Other company names and product names in this document are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

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Tag Access

Application data can be accessed using tag names rather than addresses.

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Data Links

Data links are possible between personal computers and PLCs on Ethernet/IP networks.

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Note: The Network Configurator included in the CX-One Package or Sysmac Studio is required to set tag data links.
         Tag access is available with CJ2-series and NJ/NX-series CPU Units, NY-series Industrial PC with EtherNet/IP
         But, the tag data link with internal port of NY series is impossible.
* NY-series is only Industrial PC Platform NY-series IPC Machine Controller.