Note: Including models whose production were/will be discontinued.
*1. To connect the NX701-1[][][]/NJ101-[][][][] Controller, CX-Compolet / SYSMAC Gateway version 1.70 or higher is
*2. To connect the NJ3/5 Controller, CX-Compolet / SYSMAC Gateway version 1.31 or higher is required.
*3. To connect the NX1 Controller, CX-Compolet / SYSMAC Gateway version 1.72 or higher is required.
*4. To connect the NX1P/NY5[][]-1 Controller, CX-Compolet / SYSMAC Gateway version 1.71 or higer is required.
*5. To connect the NX701-Z[]00/NY5[][]-Z[]00 Controller, CX-Compolet / SYSMAC Gateway version 1.73 or higher is
*6. Tag data links between SYSMAC Gateway and the NJ/NX-series CPU Unit or Industrial PC Platform NY-series IPC
Machine Controller can be created within the CJ-series specifications for variable with basic data type, array variable,
and structure variable. SYSMAC Gateway memory allocation of structure variable is the same as the CJ-series.
But, the tag data link with internal port of NY series is impossible.
*7. A separate Communications Unit is required.
*8. Specification using tag names is not possible.
*9. It cannot be used for CP1E E-type.
*10. The CP1W-CIF41 is required for the CP1H / CP1L other than CP1L-EM/EL. The CP1W-CIF41 version 2.0 or later is
required for the CP1E N-type.
It cannot be used for CP1E E-type.